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Monday, November 28, 2011

Twilight Saga Movie Premier for Breaking Dawn Part 1

On November 19th, I was able to finally watch a much waited for and anticipated movie! I attended a premier of the Twilight Saga's "Breaking Dawn - Part1".

I have loved the Twilight Saga movies since I first saw "Twilight" years ago. The movies took on more meaning for me after I read the series written by Stephanie Meyers. Most of my family and some of my friends do not understand why I love this saga so much. They believe it is about Vampires and Werewolves. They could not be more wrong.

The Twilight Saga is about family, love, marriage, commitment, good vs. evil, standing for what you believe in, protecting the ones you love, barring judgement from outside sources of people's souls, living in love not hate, fun, fantasy, and finding an everlasting love. These are the themes that have made this movie series a blockbuster in its own right.

Other than the heart warming themes, the film production is superior. I have watched the special effects reels over and over for the other Twilight Saga movies, marveling at the ingenuity of how they were made.

Having different directors for the movies could have been worrisome in the quality department, but each director took the next movie to a new level of entertainment and production value. "Breaking Dawn - Part 1" was no exception. This movie met every expectation I had for it and exceeded it by far. Unlike the other movies, "Breaking Dawn - Part 1" incorporated some very nice animation effects. This was well done and enhanced the story and the understanding of the story.

Bill Condon was the director for "Breaking Dawn - Part 1". He had worked on other movies such as: "The Others", "Chicago" and "Gods and Monsters" to name a few. He's directed 16 productions, written 12 works and produced 7 per the IMdb website. He would be in my top 25 people I'd like to meet! 

"Breaking Dawn - Part 1" followed the book very well. This was very satisfying to me as a fan of both the books and the movies. Every book reader knows that the movie may not reflect the book very well. Fortunately, this movie did the book justice. Every important event was in the movie and nothing was left out. A wonderful job by the actors, screenwriters and director.

Of course there were things I would change, especially being interested in creating films myself. I don't think I would have spent so many scenes on Edward and Bella's intimate time together after they were married. I suppose this was important to some fans, but it didn't do anything for me. Overall, the movie was done well and done in good taste.

Obviously, I am not alone in my love of these movies. "Breaking Dawn - Part 1" had a worldwide $500 million box office, reported by The Hollywood Reporter, over Thanksgiving. Attaining a sum of $221 million in the United States alone. As far as customer satisfaction, it seems apparent that the producers of this movie met it! "Breaking Dawn's" budget was $100 million, stated on Yahoo last weekend. The box office hit has more than satisfied the budget spent to make the movie.

If you haven't watched the Twilight Saga movies because you think they are about blood sucking vampires, please reconsider. Not necessarily family friendly, yet with remarkable themes, these books and movies are something to boost anyone's heart in the love realm. They may just make you reconsider the worth of family and marriage.

Look at this link if you want to see behind the scenes interviews with Kristen, Robert and Taylor, and pieces of the movie trailer!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Helpful Tips for Film Producers to Raise Funding

Helpful Tips for Film Producers

Film producers need all the help they can get, sometimes, in securing financing for their projects. Being professional and projecting a good image are important for people to put their trust in you and your project. The following tips may help you secure support when you are looking for financing.

1)               Asking the “Why” question.
Producers often neglect to ask why. Asking yes and no questions can lead to a dead end when trying to secure financing for a project. Read these helpful tips on how to ask the right questions and how to use the “why” question to get better results.

2)             What your email says about you
Image is everything. Projecting yourself as a company and not an individual may give you the leg up you need to get financing. These email tips are very insightful and relevant for every film producer in the market.
Michael Hansen writes about how your email gives investors an image of you before they look at your project. He has many wonderful tips to inform producers of how to promote themselves, even in the simplest of forms: email address.

3)              Where to find money for documentaries
Pamela Ezell writes about the process for finding funding for documentaries. If you are doing a doc film, there are people who will look at it and possibly fund it. Knowing your resources is a good tool to have in your fund raising kit.  This article explains some of the ways to find money to fund a documentary and how much you should budget for the film.

4)            Personalizing your outreach
Reaching out to groups of people to partner with you needs research. Finding out how to personalize your outreach efforts will go a long way in helping you attain success in getting the support you need. Merrill Sterritt gives tips on how to make your outgoing calls for support personalized to the people you are contacting.

There are many experienced filmmakers in the industry. Reviewing their tips and strategies can be very helpful for up and coming producers. Thankfully, these tips are given freely and generously by experienced artisans.