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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Uniting Christian Filmmakers

Christian filmmaking, especially mission-based film making, seems to be a unique niche of filmmaking. Many filmmakers are independent and have started their own companies, in order to promote and market their films. There doesn’t seem to be an all-encompassing organization that supports this type of filmmaking. That being said, there are some wonderful groups out there which are pulling together the Christian filmmakers, in order to help them create and distribute the gospel of Christ to the world.

One of the organizations is International Christian Visual Media (ICVM). This group unifies filmmakers across the globe with the sole purpose of relaying the message of God’s love.

ICVM’s mission is to bring Christian filmmakers together and help them unite with each other, in order to produce media which will reach the globe. With membership, they offer access to legal advice, script review, business ideas and other helpful services for filmmakers. Members have reduced fees to enter the annual conference and show their products and/or services.

ICVM’s annual conference and the Crown awards ceremonies are a major influence on Christian films. Giving forum to Christian filmmakers and helping them distribute their films worldwide, is a significant undertaking to help independent filmmakers get their films out to International markets.

ICVM brings filmmakers together once a year for a 3 day conference. This year it will be held in Florida. Filmmakers can show their films at the conference and enter them in the Crown Awards, which promotes quality film in the Christian genre.

ICVM impacts the Christian film industry by providing structure and networking for filmmakers. Their influence and recognition grows through conferences and influence in marketing around the world. In business since the 1970s, the association is committed to building up producers in the media field.  

Associated with members in over 20 nations, they have the global reach needed to share the message of Christ’s love to the world. Their knowledge of how to distribute in foreign markets and their contacts in other nations, impact the mission based films industry by helping bring these films to markets that are off the beaten path.

Overall, associations like ICVM are needed for all Christian filmmakers. Having unity and resources help promote films and filmmakers, by giving them much needed networking opportunities and resources to create and distribute their films.