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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Uniting Christian Filmmakers - 102

Researching further for organizations that unite Christian Filmmakers, I found the Christian Filmmakers Organization on the internet. This group allows filmmakers to come together and network, show their work on the website, promote film festivals and host contests.

Unlike the other organization I wrote about in my previous post, Christian Filmmakers does not have seminars, but they do offer a place for filmmakers to post their projects and their experience. Therefore, they unite the groups by advertising what is needed to complete a project. This is a wonderful service, as it is free to the filmmakers that join the site. 

Christian Filmmakers also gives filmmakers an arena to promote their work. This is very valuable to up and coming filmmakers. Hosting the work and giving the viewers ways to share the media, via social networking sites, can give a filmmaker a good way to build an audience for his or her film.

After reviewing a couple of the trailers on the website, the desire to create films for Christ has been re-inspired. There is some really great work out there and the people creating this media know what they are doing. This organization is promoting this work and bringing together the talent needed to make impact-filled films. 

The forum on the site also allows the sharing of knowledge and ideas between filmmakers. Allowing people to connect and to share ideas is a definite bonus. Few places have such an easy venue to share information and to connect with other like minded individuals. Having this feature will impact the industry by allowing it to grow and flourish as more people connect and share resources.

As it is free to join this site, this is a huge bonus for student filmmakers. Not having a big budget to join all kinds of associations and groups, this benefit will open doors for students starting out in filmmaking. Being able to show their work will also give them a place to show their talent without having to pay fees to promote their work.

Christian Filmmakers also hosts contests. It is another way to promote films and give filmmakers a place to show their talents.  If you love a challenge and want to create something inspiring, then this is the place to be connected!

Having many different services and connecting avenues, Christian Filmmakers is a wonderful association for filmmakers to become a member.