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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Professional Update: Colorado Film & Video Association

In my other blogs I’ve mentioned various associations which a film/video professional could join. Upon searching locally, I found another association that would benefit Coloradoan filmmakers.

As a media professional, joining various associations can increase your networks, bring you more customers, help with marketing and help you keep up with industry standards. Finding the right organization that meets your needs is important; as they can help you gain experience and knowledge in your field.

Being in Colorado, one of the more prominent associations is the Colorado Film and Video Association (CFVA).  “Formed in 1982, CFVA is the oldest and largest media production organization in Colorado” (CFVA, 2011).  

What I like most about this association, other than all of their awesome benefits, is the price of membership. It’s not restrictive and most filmmakers would be able to afford joining. I give them high praise for keeping their fees down, therefore giving start-ups a chance to benefit from their membership.
Speaking of membership benefits, the CFVA publishes your company in the Colorado Production Guide. This marketing and networking tool is a nice way to be seen and found by other professionals. This comes in handy when trying to put together a local crew for a film shoot. 

Other benefits include free admission to all CFVA events, education and training workshops, access to CFVA business services such as health and accounting services, and discounted admissions to co-sponsored CFVA events. 

CFVA also has committees which you can join to make a difference for the film industry in Colorado. One of their past programs which impacted the film industry was the support raised to help pass the House Bill 12-1286, which was written to increase Colorado’s film incentives from 10% to 20%. CFVA created a matching funds program for raising money to help lobby the bill. Success was reached when this bill passed in May of 2012. Colorado’s film industry has been working to bring more productions to Colorado and now they have a new avenue to help increase the productions here. CFVA helped bring this success to the film industry! 

Overall, CFVA is a great organization to be a part of in Colorado. I look forward to getting involved and learning from the experienced professionals that make up this association.
Membership. (2011). Retrieved August  10, 2012, from