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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Inspiration: Rob Legato on the Art of Creating Awe

Once in a while I see someone in the movie business that inspires me and it sets a fire deep inside: a fire to create awesome movies. Rob Legato is one of those people. His lecture on Ted .com at  is very interesting and engaging. His knowledge of special effects is evident and very inspiring. I absolutely loved the way he integrates humor and wit to enhance what he is speaking about.

Mr. Legato was the special effects artist on the movies “Apollo 13”, “Titanic” and “Hugo”. In this presentation he goes behind the scenes to show the audience how he’s achieved the effect. It is very interesting and to me inspiring. His experience is seen by how he can create such spectacular effects to recreate actual events or to build a gap with footage already taken beforehand. It takes a very creative person to understand how to create such intricate and exciting effects, which do create awe in the movies. 

I have to admit that I am a bit jealous. I would love to be the person with years of experience and know how to create such wonder. What a special talent and treat to be able to awe audiences with scenes that look like rockets taking off into space or deep sea exploration. I guess it’s the dreamer in me that resonates with the building of fantasy and making it seem like reality. How truly awesome of a skill to be able to create such things! 

You can tell from his presentation that Rob is a smart man with a quick wit. He is very entertaining and personable. I believe it takes both qualities to be able to relate well with other people. If he was branding himself, he would definitely be able to brand his knowledge and skill but also his very outgoing personality. He is a fun person to listen to during the presentation and I would recommend it to anyone, especially to anyone interested in making movies. 

As I’ve done some soul searching, it seems that special effects and animation have a yearning place in my heart. I hope my entertainment journey takes me on a route in one or both of these fields.