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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Expert Advice on Creating Business Plans

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, also an angel investor wrote an article for TechCrunch on how to create an effective business plan.

Hoffman asks three poignant questions of the business plan author:

1)   How will you reach a massive audience?
2)   What is your unique value proposition?
3)   Will your business be capital efficient?

Hoffman advises that the entrepreneur have answers to “how do we get to one million users? Then how do we get to 10 million users? Then how will you get deep engagement from the users?”

He advises that you make your product unique enough to separate yourself from other out there, but not so unique that the market isn’t ready for your invention or business. He states that a product too far ahead of its time will be a failure.

The business plan must be prepared for the initial allotment of cash but also the stable, ongoing funding, also. The business must have available credit and be prepared for unforeseen changes, to be able to flourish.

"Akira Hirai is a regular guest speaker on the topics of business planning, financial forecasting, and capital formation at the Phoenix chapter of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation's FastTrac entrepreneur training program and at various programs affiliated with Arizona State University (ASU). He also mentors companies preparing to present before the Arizona Angels and the Arizona Venture Capital Conference (AVCC). Akira has also served on the Board of Directors for ITASA (Information Technology Association of Southern Arizona). He was named Entrepreneur of the Week in October 2000 by" (Hirai, 2014).

Akira has advice on how to create an effective business plan. Some of the things he says to do are:

1)   Avoid value inflation – leave out the hype. Present your idea in the format of this is the problem and this is the solution. Let the investors determine whether there is value in your ideas.
2)   Don’t try to be all things to all people – narrow the focus and be concentrated on your idea and solution. Have a core thread and if there are other ideas or products, let them support the main core of your idea.
3)   Have a go-to-market strategy – without a good sales, marketing, and distribution plan, the business plan will fail.

He has many good points; such as don’t make the plan too long or too technical. Make sure to include risk analysis and to be organized. He emphasizes the financial sections should be detailed and realistic. A plan that is too unrealistic will make the plan without credibility to the investors.

From what I’ve read, Akira knows how to put together a good business plan. I found his advice to be straight forward and very sensible. This is definitely something to keep in reference while planning my business plan.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Box Office Review of Christian Films - How They Rate

If you've been to the movies lately, you may have seen titles such as "Son of God", "Heaven is Real" and "God's Not Dead". Are you curious if anyone is watching these "religious" films? Or, do you have a faith the pulls you toward movies like this? Let's discover how they are rating in the box office and if they are a hit or not.

First, let’s look at “God’s Not Dead” in comparison to other big budget films that opened the same weekend. This film was only shown in 780 screens compared to the competition’s 3200 screens, yet held up its end on the competitive side making $10,979 per screen. This is in comparison to the $14,228 for “Divergent” and $5,170 for “The Muppets” (Moviefone, 2014).

Just like “God’s Not Dead”, “Son of God” did well in the box office. Coming out at the same time as “Non-Stop”, a Liam Neeson film, the “Son of God” movie’s box office release forecast was impressive. Studying the digital marketing effort for this movie, these statistics show how popular “Son of God” was in comparison to “Non-Stop” one week before release.

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Image source:

Considering the star power and big budgets these Christian movies are up against, they hold their own in the box office. Reviewers liken the popularity to targeting a particular audience before the movie is released.

Overall, faith based films are doing well in the box office, even though most are not big budget films. Sccott Mendelson of reviews how “Heaven is Real” could very likely top the charts of box office sales, if all the factors fall in place. He states that we will know when we know.

To someone in the faith film industry, this is encouraging news! I hope you will find your way to seeing one or more of these productions. You may just find they are more enticing than you originally thought.

Monday, February 10, 2014

They're Doing it Right

Shalom Films supports the efforts of other Christian filmmakers.

One of the most exciting outreach ministries is producing new videos to be seen by millions of people. Billy Graham ministries has produced two new messages called My Hope and The Cross. Both of these videos are free to watch on the web and many churches will be showing The Cross for Easter Sunday.

Billy Graham, one of America’s most prominent preachers is reaching out to people from his home in the videos. Being 95 years old, he is too feeble to preach, but still yearns to reach people with the message of God’s love for the world. His desire to share the good news can be seen in these videos produced by his son, Franklin Graham. 

Billy Graham's My Hope America, image credit.
Both of these videos are excellent and have wonderful production value. Free to churches across America, the cost of production is being absorbed by the ministry. Therefore, they are asking for people to help support this effort.

Another awesome film is coming out, this Spring, produced by Pure Flix Entertainment, called “God’s Not Dead”. This film is about a college student who is challenged by his Philosophy teacher to prove that God’s not dead. In the process of having to stand for his faith, the student is met with obstacles that will put his faith to the test. This film features well-known actors such as Kevin Sarbo who plays the Philosophy teacher and Shane Harper as the student. Willie and Corie Roberston from the Duck Dynasty make a special appearance, along with the band Newsboys.  This film is coming to theaters in March of 2014 and is rated PG.

We hope you will engage with this thought provoking and life changing media. The message of God’s love is for everyone and we support these films.