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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Finance and Filmmakers: Where to find Financing for Your Film

Financing films can be a challenge for any producer. With the economy in a recessive state, producers may find it harder to locate willing investors. Realizing this, two groups have worked to bring financiers and angels together with prospective producers for networking events. The events are geared to help producers find funding for their films.

The first group believes in “bridging the gap between financiers and filmmakers”. They put on an event to bring the two groups together. The Film Finance ForumWest was put on by Winston | Baker in March of 2012.  This was the fourth annual event for this financial forum. Located in Los Angeles, California, this gathering was sponsored by Winston/Baker and a variety of large capital groups such as the China Main Stream Media National Film Capital Hollywood Group.

Winston/Baker “specializes in producing educational and networking events
for the financial community, offering live and online programs which address alternative investment trends and finance strategies”.

Offering events around the world in cities such as Zurich, Cannes, Los Angeles, and Toronto, Winston/Baker hopes to bring together upper level financing and filmmakers. The events are hosted throughout the year and offer opportunities for networking amongst the world’s top financiers and “high-level entertainment”. Keynote speakers cover topics of how to raise financing in this global economy, how to generate revenue through various distribution methods and much more. This forum would benefit any filmmaker interested in learning how to raise funds and how to read the ever changing economy for opportunities.

The second group will hold its 5th annual networking conference on May 7, 2012.
Networking Seminars FilmProduction & Finance Summit, held in Los Angeles, California, aspires to inform filmmakers on how to finance their films while helping them network with top financial investors. This summit offers seminars about film and finance for all interested parties, along with networking breaks to allow people to create contacts in the industry. Covering many topics of film finance, this seminar would be helpful to any new producer in the industry. It is geared to teach filmmakers how the system works and to help them create contacts to help them with their films.

Both of these events hold a lot of promise for producers and filmmakers. I would very much like to attend both of these, in order to create contacts in the industry and to learn more about film finance. I say hats off to the innovators in the industry who are proactive and work to keep everyone moving forward.

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